Joomla maintenance and updates
Joomla is in itself a secure system to build (or have built) your Web site with. However, this does not mean that a Joomla website automatically remains secure. One of the main conditions to keep your website truly secure is that all software is always up-to-date. This applies both to Joomla itself and to all the extensions you use. Outdated software can contain vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can exploit to attack your website. By updating regularly, you significantly reduce this risk and ensure that your website remains optimally protected.
Keep Joomla safe and up-to-date
However, I understand that as an entrepreneur, you don't have the time (or desire) to check every few days to see if new versions of Joomla or your extensions have been released. Fortunately, this is not necessary with my maintenance contract. For a fixed amount per month I make sure your website stays safe and up-to-date. I continuously check for updates and install them as soon as they become available. This way you do not have to worry about the technical side of your website and you can fully focus on your own work.

Joomla updates
Always the latest version of Joomla and extensions.I make sure you always stay up-to-date.

To be safe, I regularly backup your files and database.

Your website is monitored 24 hours a day for noticeable file changes and uptime.

I like to think with you about the security of and improvements to your Joomla website.

Security extensions
Take advantage of my extensions such as a system and database check, various firewall options and a blacklist for free.

Optimizing Joomla
Unused files and extensions are regularly deleted and the database is cleaned up.
Indeed, not every Internet criminal is interested in your Web site or your users' data. Criminals “in real life” are also not always interested in houses with expensive contents. They sometimes choose vacant properties to build an XTC lab or marijuana plantation.
A poorly maintained website is similar to a vacant property and can be used to send spam or phishing emails undetected or to spread viruses. In many cases, the consequences are only visible when this is discovered by Google and your visitors see a notification that your website is a danger. But by then it's too late....
Be careful: every web space can be interesting for cyber criminals.
That's no problem at all. Even if your website was not created by me, I can offer you maintenance.
A new Joomla release comes out every few weeks. These releases contain new features and fixed bugs (bug fixes) as well as security improvements. The same goes for the extensions installed on the website. So it is of utmost importance that your website stays up-to-date.
Even when you don't notice it, a hacker may be active on your Web site. In this case, your Web site is not a target per se, but a means for visitors to download something so that their computer can be infected or to retrieve Credit-card information, for example.
Your website is monitored 24 hours a day for noticeable file changes. These changes are noticed my monitoring system. When a file is modified it is often the work of a hacker and I can take immediate action.
Of course I can never guarantee 100% that nothing can go wrong with your website. (After all, no one can) Due to various circumstances, you may need a backup. The best backup extension is Akeeba Backup PRO. With it, you can easily make a copy of your website and database.
But what happens if your website gets hacked, you might not be able to access your backups anymore. Therefore, it is recommended to store the backups externally. To be on the safe side, I store all backups in my Cloud storage. The frequency of backups depends on the activity on your website. In consultation, I run the backups daily, weekly or monthly automatically. I regularly check the backups for errors, because nothing is more annoying than an incomplete backup at the moment you need it. I make sure there are enough backups, so we always have a “clean” backup available.
Safe and always up-to-date
Joomla Updates
Extension Updates
Security extensions
Help & Consulting
About Jeroen
I have been working with the Joomla! CMS since 2006. Besides building and maintaining Joomla! websites and webshops, I am also familiar with search engine optimization (SEO), Joomla hosting and developing templates and extensions. Furthermore, I am a frequent visitor and speaker at JoomlaDays and various Joomla user groups.
I am committed to the Joomla! community as a member of the Extensions Directory team and the organization of Joomla user group Breda and JoomlaDagen Netherlands. In short: Are you looking for a Joomla Specialist, you should contact me!

What my customers say

I experience the cooperation with Joomill as very pleasant. The personal and expert approach really appeals to me. My e-mails are always answered quickly and changes are implemented in consultation and smoothly.
Jeroen has created a beautiful, clear webshop for me in which my own wishes have been incorporated as much as possible.